The Faith of the Bleeding Woman
Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.
Matthew 9: 20-22, NIV
Imagine yourself bleeding for twelve long years. Will you still trust God and keep your faith? What if Jesus will come in moments when you feel like it’s too late? Will you still believe that He will heal your sickness? We can say from the scriptures above that the woman that God healed is not an ordinary one. She is a woman of faith because of what she believes in. Twelve years of suffering is not that easy to bear. Even if we only get sick for just a month or week, we would sometimes doubt God’s goodness. But this woman simply reminds us what faith is all about. It’s about waiting for God to move and trusting that He will make a way despite the negative things you experience. Faith is about holding on to the power of Jesus even in moments of suffering.
Just like the bleeding woman, we also go through pain and sickness in life. But no matter how long it may be for us to wait on God’s miracles, we must not give up because that’s what faith is for. It’s about believing in things we can’t see. Let this woman reminds us to keep going and always trust in His ways.
Pain can either make or destroy us. In this woman’s life, she turned her sickness as a way for her to trust in Jesus. Instead of resenting Him because of the twelve long years of suffering, she chose to keep her faith. She still has the courageous heart to wait for her complete healing. At this point, she was even behind Jesus and just touched His clothes. Imagine the Holy Spirit’s power immediately flowed to the woman’s body without Jesus seeing her. That’s how big her faith is.
The woman even declared to herself that if she touched Jesus’ cloak, she would be healed. This is how powerful your declaration can be. Her faith comes from the inside. She keeps on thinking about her healing. Instead of focusing on her suffering, this woman firmly believes that she will be healed. She already imagined it in her mind that she would get well. She is too determined and focused on the miracles she wants to experience.
Just like this woman, apply the power of declaration in your life. Let your words reflect your faith. Declare those good things will still happen, and you will experience restoration in His arms. His power will flow the moment you choose to activate your faith and stop listening to the negative voices you heard.
Do you still have unanswered prayers right now? This is a perfect reminder for you to have faith like that of the bleeding woman. Do not give up. Stop focusing on your suffering. Keep in mind God’s promises and hold on to His miracles. Wait and be patient. Trust in His power, and do not rely on your own understanding. Just like the bleeding woman, choose to increase your faith and stay closer to Jesus. Look unto Him and receive the answers to your prayers.