The Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Wisdom
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10, NIV
This verse doesn’t discuss the kind of fear that will kill our souls, but it refers to our sense of awe and reverence for God. It means that we acknowledge and honor God as Holy, pure, and just. In everything we do, we believe with all our heart, mind, and soul that God is sovereign above all.
This kind of fear is the beginning of wisdom. When we treat God as powerful and mighty, we will have faith to believe in His ways. And when we believe that He is in the midst, that’s when He will give us the ability to deal with the situation properly.
So, if you are praying for wisdom and understanding, then this verse is your answer.
Fear God. Remember His beautiful ways in your life. Treat Him as Holy and mighty. He is bigger than the problems that you are facing. Wisdom starts the moment you accept in your heart who God truly is.
And when you get to know Him, He will then increase your understanding. He will open your mind so that you will see the things that you failed to see before. Your knowledge about Him will help you see the bigger picture, and it’s when you will slowly figure out the right thing to do.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for giving me this beautiful reminder. I pray for a heart that’s willing to honor and acknowledge your presence. Please teach me how to accept your sovereignty in my life. Remind me, Lord, about your holiness and your mighty power. Let the thirst and hunger in my soul lead me to know you more. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.