The Gift Of Life
The fact that you are still breathing
is already a huge blessing
So don’t forget to be grateful for what you have
This life may not be perfect
But it is a beautiful gift from God
Every morning is a new beginning
God is giving you another chance to live
and enjoy His blessings
Do not waste your life for things
that will quickly perish
Focus on what you have and work on it
If you wanted to make the most
of what God has given you
Then you need to go out to your comfort zone
and experience breakthrough
Allow God to move in your life
Stretch out yourself and use your talents and skills
You only have one life
And it’s just temporary
That’s why do not waste it
I pray that you will spend it with God
You are part of His marvelous creation
Always remember that you are created for a purpose
That is greater than yourself
You are important
You are a wonderful gift for somebody else
I hope you will realize it before it’s too late
Do not take this life for granted
Make it worthwhile by spending it with God
Learn to love God and others
Help the people who are in need
Be kind to those who are broken
Forgive yourself and the people who caused you pain
You will never know the exact day
when God will take you back in His arms
So while you are still here on Earth
Make the most of what you have to glorify Him
You can’t take with you the riches of this world
But I believe when you learn to love Him
Your life here on Earth will never be wasted