
The God Who Takes Good Care Of Moses Will Also Take Good Care Of You

God is your protector, savior, and redeemer. But above all else, He is your loving Father. He loves to take good care of you, and He will not stop doing it. So if ever you have many things going on in your mind right now, just remember that God will never abandon you. His blessings will always pour out in your life. Stop thinking about all your worries, instead put your hope in God.

God will provide for the necessary things that you need. Just like what He did to Moses before. When the People of Israel were whining and complaining about their food, Moses cried out to God.

“Why are you treating me this way? What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Did I conceive them? Was I their mother? So why dump the responsibility of this people on me? Why tell me to carry them around like a nursing mother, carry them all the way to the land you promised to their ancestors? Where am I supposed to get meat for all these people who are whining to me, ‘Give us meat; we want meat.’ I can’t do this by myself—it’s too much, all these people. If this is how you intend to treat me, do me a favor and kill me. I’ve seen enough; I’ve had enough. Let me out of here.”

Numbers 11: 11-15 MSG

Moses was carrying everything all along. Just like you, He also feels the heavy burden inside. Sometimes, we feel the same thing. We question God for everything that we’ve been through, and we feel like it’s already too much. But what God did is so amazing.

God said to Moses, “Gather together seventy men from among the leaders of Israel, men whom you know to be respected and responsible. Take them to the Tent of Meeting. I’ll meet you there. I’ll come down and speak with you. I’ll take some of the Spirit that is on you and place it on them; they’ll then be able to take some of the load of this people—you won’t have to carry the whole thing alone.

Numbers 11: 16-17 MSG

God doesn’t want Moses to carry everything alone. He made way for him, and He is helping Moses. And when Moses heard that God will provide meat for the people, you will be surprised with his response.

Moses said, “I’m standing here surrounded by 600,000 men on foot, and you say, ‘I’ll give them meat, meat every day for a month.’ So where’s it coming from? Even if all the flocks and herds were butchered, would that be enough? Even if all the fish in the sea were caught, would that be enough?”

Numbers 11: 21-22 MSG

Just like us, Moses also doubted the power of God. He also looks at his own way of doing things. He focused on his own ability, and he forgot to see things the way God sees it. But then nothing can stop the power of God, not even the fears and doubts of Moses.

God answered Moses, “So, do you think I can’t take care of you? You’ll see soon enough whether what I say happens for you or not.”

Numbers 11: 23 MSG

Imagine that God is also saying the same thing to you. Do you think God will abandon you? Do you think He will let go of you? One day, you will see all the promises of God in your life, and only then will you realize that just like Moses, God is taking good care of you.

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