The Great Plans of God
The plans of God are greater than
what you’ve been going through
So learn to endure and be patient
You may suffer right now
But God is just preparing you
Sometimes, we are tempted to give up
Simply because we focus on our situation
Look unto God and set your eyes in Him
Your mind can never comprehend the great blessings
that He prepared for you
So keep on walking in His presence
Learn to persevere even in times of hardships
Receive the promises of God in your life
Remember that He wants you to prosper
He will give you hope
So hold on unto His love
If you think that you can’t make it
Then remind yourself about the desires of God in your life
He wants you to experience
the fullness of His love
Choose to trust Him
Believe in His word
And follow His ways
Abide in His presence
The greatest reward we could ever receive
is when we experience Heaven with God
It’s the moment when there will be no more death
We no longer have to suffer or cry in pain
When God will make His home among His people
That’s the time when we can finally say
that every challenge we face is worth it
God will lead us to victory
One day, His people will come together to worship Him
That day will be full of gladness and rejoicing
So whatever it is that you are going through
Remember that the reward
is greater than the suffering you experienced
So keep your faith in the Lord
Focus on the goal
And that’s to hear these wonderful words from God,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant!”