
The Greatest Commandment

Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
And with all your soul
And with all your mind

This is the first
And the greatest commandment
It means that you need to choose Him
Over your feelings and emotions

Loving Him means you follow His ways
Despite all the doubts
That you feel inside
It means that you choose to stay
In His presence
Despite all your challenges and problems

Life may not be that easy
But if you will choose to love God
With all your heart
Then you will receive the strength
That you need

There are times
When it’s hard to keep on trusting Him
Especially when you are still in pain
But that’s what love is all about
It’s about commitment

Once you stay committed to Him
Then you will have no other choice
But to keep on believing in His faithfulness
Acknowledge the power of God in your life
Put Him at the center

Make Him the reason
Why you wanted to change
And become a better person
Just receive His great love for you
And only then will you learn to also love Him

The only way for you to know Him more
Is to open your heart for His great love
And when you are full of His love
You will also have the strength
To love Him back

We love because He first loved us
And we choose to make Him
The God of our lives
Even in moments when
Everything seems so dark