The Hardest Lesson will Lead you to Complete Transformation
Life will give you so many challenges, but the most difficult obstacle that you will face will offer you the hardest lesson that you can never forget. It comes with deep wounds and indescribable pain. But if God allowed you to experience it, then it means that He has a greater purpose. It may be hard to comprehend why you need to go through all these things but believe with all your heart that God is completely transforming you from the inside. Just allow Him to move and trust in His ways. He is teaching you right now, so instead of focusing on the pain, just set your eyes on the lessons He wants you to learn. God will never waste your tears. He kept all of them.
Surrender what you feel to God. Share to Him all your concerns. You can’t carry that pain on your own. You need to learn how to depend on Him and not on your own strength. You will discover so many interesting truths about Him if you will just treat this moment as an opportunity for you to grow in His presence. This is not just about your own brokenness, but this is about abiding in God’s plans and letting Him reign in your heart. He is teaching you how to humbly follow Him in this season. Acknowledge His will, and you will be guided.
Be patient and keep your faith. He is giving you enough strength. Remind yourself of His promises and wait until He turns things around. God knows what will happen ahead. He sees your future, so trust Him and just believe in His goodness. Keep walking, and when you are so tired, come to God, and He will give your rest. You may feel so confused with what’s happening but allow Him to mold you into a better person. Listen to His instructions and let Him correct you so that you will know the way you should go. Be humble and pray for a teachable heart. Don’t waste your pain. Choose to apply the lessons that you learned.
He can make things beautiful in His time. God’s plans are greater than what you have in mind. Trust in Him because He is powerful. Everything that you experience is written in His book. It’s part of His great plans. And it may be difficult to believe, but the hardest lesson and the deepest pain will lead you to a life you can never imagine. Wait and see. God’s blessings will overflow in your life.