Self Development

The Healing Process is not a Waste of Time

Facing your deepest wound is not easy. It takes time and patience. If you know that your heart is still bleeding on the inside, then take your time and allow God to walk with you throughout the healing process. You need to deal with it before it gets worst. Do not ignore your feelings and learn to acknowledge them. Yes, you can move forward, but you need to take things slowly so that your heart can keep up. Allow yourself to rest and if it means taking a pause, then do it for your own sake. Sometimes, you need to experience healing first before you can fully serve and help others. The pain will hinder you from receiving the great blessings of God. So come to Him, and He will renew your heart.

What’s the use of all your wealth if your heart is not yet healed? If you keep on focusing on your own timeline, you will miss the plans that God prepared for you. He doesn’t want you to face this life with so much fear. You need to get over it. It’s okay if you want to keep walking, but don’t ignore what you feel because if you keep invalidating the truth inside you, then you might not enjoy the blessings around you. Allow your heart to recover first, and you will gain enough strength.

You need to face the wounds. It may be easier said than done, but if you keep on hiding the things that are meant to be exposed in the light, then the pain will always be there. It will stay with you as you grow older. You may think that time will help you mend the broken pieces of your heart, but the truth is, only God can do that. You will never be healed if you won’t even accept to yourself that you are affected. So before it’s too late, acknowledge what you feel and ask God to lead you to the healing process.

It may take time, but that’s the only way for you to live a fulfilled life. Sometimes, the process feels so tiring and even painful, but you need to face your giants so that they can no longer control your life. Your pain will turn into fears that will hinder you from experiencing the fullness of God’s gifts. Focus on the power of God and believe in His promises. Know that with His love, you can overcome everything that comes your way, no matter how traumatic and painful it is. You just need to be patient because God moves in mysterious ways, and there will be moments when you can’t feel His hands. But when that day comes, all you need to do is keep your faith.

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