The Holy Spirit will help you Remember the word of God
You have an everyday companion. You have a best friend who will never fail you. The Holy Spirit is always there to remind you about the things that God is saying. All you need to do is keep reading the bible, and the Holy Spirit will be the One who will convict you. Reading His words according to your own knowledge and understanding is not enough. You may learn information about who God is, but it would be very hard for you to experience complete transformation without His Spirit. You need to ask for His guidance so that He can lead you to a new perspective. You need to trust in His leading so that He can direct you the path that He created. You will never feel bored once you experience Him. He will take you the place that God prepared.
You can’t trust your memory. You receive thousands of information every day, that’s why you can’t help but forget some things. The best that you can do is allow the Holy Spirit to speak and instruct you. He will open your eyes to the things that you need to consider. He will convict you about the wrong things that you did, and it’s not to condemn you but simply to point you to the One who can purify your soul. You just need to saturate yourself in the word of God so that you will be prepared enough when the Holy Spirit speaks to you. It’s Him who can slowly transform the way you perceive things. He is the One who can lead you to the right words that you need to hear.
The Holy Spirit can help you. If you want to know God more by reading the bible, then you can ask the Holy Spirit to speak and direct you to His message. You need His presence so that you can remember the things that you read. He will give you a very personal message. In fact, His word can reveal the status of your heart. It can expose the hidden pain and bitterness inside. At the same time, it also gives us peace and joy. That’s how powerful the Scripture is. And you will only experience it the moment you allow the Holy Spirit to move and reign in your life.
Knowing God is not just about your effort. But it’s about you, allowing the Holy Spirit to reign inside. He will never fail you. In fact, He is the One who can introduce you to Jesus. Through His word, the Holy Spirit will take you to the place where you and Jesus can have an intimate moment. He will open your senses so that you will feel and learn to embrace His love. The only thing that you need to do is read His word and open your heart.

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One Comment
I really need to have that relationship with God please help me to reach that level..