Self Development

The Lessons That You Learned Can Be Your Life’s Greatest Reward

Some of us tend to think that experiencing failures also means losing in life. We look at our mistakes as something that will pull us down. But we forget to thank God for the lessons that we learned along the way. We never really know that it’s one of the greatest rewards we could receive here on earth. So never treat the setbacks in your life as something that will destroy you in the end. You never really know the lessons that God wants you to learn not unless you try. So move forward and do not be afraid. Do not let your failures hinder you from achieving the desires of your heart.

Treat the lessons as precious gifts from God. Choose to thank Him for allowing you to learn those lessons. You may not see its value in your current situation, but one day, you will realize that everything that you’ve been going through serves as a stepping stone for you to achieve your dreams in life. Do not take all the lessons as God’s punishment because the truth is, you need all of it for you to grow and mature. Take it as your reward, and one day, you will realize its importance the moment God will reveal to you why you need to go through that season.

Just apply the things you learned and move forward. Do not be afraid to commit mistakes. I know that dealing with the consequences is very hard for you to do but make it an opportunity for you to grow in the presence of God. Move forward and continue to try new things. Follow His ways and let Him transform your life. You may find it hard to move on because you are scared to experience pain, but just surrender all your fears to God, and He will give you enough courage.

Life is always rewarding as long as you experience more of God’s love while you are still here on earth. And most of the time, you will encounter His indescribable grace the moment you commit mistakes. Let Him love you in times when you find it hard to love yourself. Allow God to embrace you in moments when you try to blame yourself for the things that you encountered. God will turn your failures into blessings. He can make things beautiful in His time. So just trust Him and know that everything that God allowed you to experience has a great purpose.


  • Riza

    Thank you for this. I just realized now that I should not blame myself for the wrong things that I’ve experienced or encounter. We need to take it as a lesson learned to achieve more great things that God prepared along our way. Take courage to try new things and learn from it. God bless!

    • Patricia

      Thankyouuu for this message. For me this is a answered prayer cause sometimes im confused and asking God why He let things happened to me. I forget that He wants to teach me a lesson and overcome my fear. This message enlighten me that i should not be afraid to try and to love my self that im not perfect but to accept my flaws and use it for the glory of God.

  • Dee Ann

    Yes! You’re blessed Pursued, you have the gift to express or write what is really happening behind my situation hehe These are the words that I cannot put into but you nailed it.. 😊 I just love you Pursued, keep on writing.. God bless you! 😇