His Word

The Lord Is Close To The Brokenhearted

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalms 34:18, NIV

Sometimes, it’s so easy for people to say, ‘move on.’ It sounds like a very simple step that a wounded person can do. But the reality is, it’s a hard pill to swallow. You will never know what it feels like not until you go through the same pain. It’s so difficult to see a bright future when your heart is still aching. But the good thing is God’s word is there to remind us that we have a companion along the journey.

If you are in so much pain right now because a person broke your heart or you encountered a painful situation, then keep this in mind: The Lord is close to you. He is there, giving you the comfort that you need. Remember that He will save those who are crushed in spirit. He will heal your heart and give you the courage to love and try again.

This may be a difficult truth to believe in, but God is there. He knows all your tears. In Matthew 5: 4, it says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” God will sustain you until you reach the place where you will experience healing. But until then, cry it all out to God. Release the pain to Him. Ask Him your questions. Share to Him all your frustrations. And He will listen.

If you will just allow His Spirit to move in this season. If you will just open your heart to His ways, then you will experience an extraordinary journey with Him. This will be the season where you will feel so close to God. This will be a moment where you will experience Him in a very intimate way. Behind every pain is God’s sweet invitation to grow closer to Him.

He is not far from you. In fact, He is there, mending your wounded heart. Receive His love. Believe in His goodness. Allow His healing to manifest in your life. Have faith in His great plans. Trust Him despite the pain. And your relationship with Him will never be the same.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for walking with me throughout the days of my life. Thank you for being so close to me, especially when I’m wounded and in pain. Thank you so much for your comfort and for your presence. Please give me the courage Lord, to surrender everything at the foot of the cross. Teach me how to open my heart and trust in your ways. Guide me to the path of healing and remind me that you are always there. This, I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.