His Word

The Lord is our Maker

Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all.

Proverbs 22:2, NIV

Sometimes, when we experience so many successes in life, we are somehow tempted to think that we are better than anyone else. Or perhaps, if we have more money or earthly possessions, we think that we can treat others the way we want. We look at their status and judge them according to what they have.

However, this verse reminds us that God is our maker. We have this one thing in common that we should not forget. It’s God who created all of us from the inside out. This means that there’s nothing that we can boast. Simply because, in His eyes, we are all His beloved.

May we learn to look at the people around us the way God looks at them. May we open our hearts for His love so that we can share Him to others. Let’s not rely on our wealth or earthly success. Instead, let’s remind ourselves that God is the source of every blessing that we received.

We are simply living by His grace. This means that apart from Him, we are nothing. So, let’s not act as if we are better than anyone else. Let’s choose to respect one another regardless of our status in life.

At the end of the day, God looks at our hearts. He tests our motives. He knows what we truly want. So, if you think that you need the precious blood of Jesus to purify your soul, then open your heart and let Him reign. Allow Him to cleanse you with His perfect love. And you will slowly see other people as God’s beloved.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Help me, Lord, that I may not focus on the things that I can do. Instead, I will choose to fix my eyes on you. Purify my heart and take away the selfish motives that hinder me to do your will. I pray for your grace that I may faithfully and humbly serve others. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.