The Lord Weighs The Heart
A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2, NIV
God knows your true motives. You may try to justify your actions based on what you know, and you may feel like you are doing the right thing, but God will look at your heart. He will check your desires and the factors that contribute to your decisions.
This is the reason why we need God’s guidance. Sometimes, we are deceived by our selfish motives. We reason according to what we think is right. However, on the inside, our hearts desire something that will instantly fill the emptiness yet destroy us in the end.
So before you make decisions, ask God to lead you. Let Him reveal the desires of your heart, and humbly accept the truth that there are things that you need to change and surrender.
Let’s not rely on our own understanding. Instead, let’s call upon the name of the Lord and ask for His wisdom.
Take time to listen to His voice, and He will show you the real motives of your heart. That’s when you will realize that there are still a lot of things that you need to work out. When God opens the eyes of your heart, you will then see the hidden desires inside.
Allow Him to purify your soul. Seek His presence and the precious blood of Jesus will cleanse you. He will set you free from your selfish desires.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for this beautiful reminder. I pray that you will give me a humble heart that’s always willing to accept your corrections. Teach me how to rely on your wisdom, and how to seek your word. Help me Lord, that I may do what’s right in your eyes. Continue to purify my intentions, so that I may be able to bring you glory and honor. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.