The Painful Past
The painful past you experienced
Can never define your future
If you think that there’s no hope for you
Because you feel so dirty and messed up
Then always put this in your heart
God destined a bright future for you
What happened is already in the past
So leave it all behind
And receive the love of God
Yes, it was so painful
And you can’t help but think about it
You remember what really happened back then
And you feel so broken
When your memories try to bring you back
To the place where it all started
Then choose to talk to God
And tell Him about what you truly feel
Share to Him all your struggles
And know that He will always be there
Expose your dark past to His light
And you will experience freedom
Surrender the works of the enemy
In the presence of God
So that he can no longer control and deceive you
Let God fight the battle for you
All you need to do is to receive His love
And He alone will heal your heart
You will be free from the bondage of your past
You are not here on earth just to feel so miserable
God destined you
To experience His blessings
He loves you so much
And He has great plans for you
Do not define yourself
According to the pain that you experienced
You are a child of God
And that will never change