The Plans Of God Are Greater Than Your Pain
Life doesn’t end the moment someone breaks your heart. There are still a lot of things waiting for you. Don’t be stuck in your situation. Look ahead and focus on God. Your future is brighter than you think. The plans of God are greater than the pain you feel inside.
You may feel so devastated and disappointed right now, but put this in your heart. Sometimes, the things that we have in mind are not the best for us; that’s why we experience heartaches to learn to let go and allow God to move. He wants you to trust Him. You will not understand this as of the moment because maybe your mind is so occupied with so many negative thoughts, and you are still at the peak of your emotion, but someday you will learn to accept God’s ways.
The brokenness you feel inside will become a testimony one day. God will turn it into something beautiful. Allow God to write your story. He is the best author. You can always trust in His ways. He will lead you to the place you’ve never been before, and He will amaze you with a lot of miracles. Wait and see, God will heal your pain inside.
Set your eyes on God. Always remind yourself that He cares for you, and He wants to restore your life. He can transform you in ways that you can never imagine. He will make it new. Have faith in Him, and never lose hope. I know that it’s not easy, but God’s love will always be there to comfort you.
No one can really fathom the plans of God for all His children. It’s beyond what we can imagine. His goodness in your life will never end. He will continue to prosper you. Your pain is nothing compared to the blessings that He has been preparing for you all this time. Always remember that what you are going through right now will end. He will lead you to the kind of life that He wanted you to experience.
Right now, learn to surrender every pain to God. You have to open your heart and allow Him to move. Believe that He will lead you to the right path. You are more than who you think you are. God destined you for greater things. You are His beloved.

Marylyn Tabaquirao
Thank you for this encouraging words ,I’m agree and bless ,hope many people could read this , I’m sure they will get enlighten and God’s plan is always perfect and we’ll organized..By the grace of God I’m in line in the Great Commission of God.Thanks be unto God..
Ikala Peta
Thank you very much for those very comforting words. It gives me hope that the best is yet to come and that my future is in good hands with God. Stay blessed!
Armida Vacunawa
Good Day! I would like to express gratitude for sharing this inspiring message while I’m reading this today it helps relieve all the pain an grudges I’m suffering right. This reminds me that I’m not alone in the trial our family was experiencing today. I hope someday I would be able to tell our story of fighting for the life of my beloved mother who was diagnosed to have malignant bladder cancer to all the people who are sick and in struggle. May God bless you always.
Teresita Alivarvar
always message inspiring words to others..that we never forget were not alone..there someone who always in need a prayers and people who are willing to comfort them even in far away places
Much Needed. Thanks
Thank you! This message was in time. All the things I know and needed to hear again, and again. Thank you Lord for this awesome word of healing.