Self Development

The Process of Letting Go

It’s hard to let go. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen in an instant. It takes a process and a lot of patience. There will be moments when you still want to hold on and stop going through the painful journey, but you need to learn how to understand and love yourself. Know that you are not alone. If God asks you to surrender certain things or people in your life, then it means He will walk with you, and He will be there to help you. He won’t convince you to do it not unless He has something better in mind. Just trust Him.

Accept the truth that letting go is sometimes very challenging. When you go through the most difficult part of the journey, and you feel like giving up, just focus on the great blessings that God prepared. You may have fears inside, but choose to embrace God’s love and remind yourself that better days are coming. The journey will be worth it because it’s where you will realize what God prepared is beyond what you can comprehend.

The truth about letting go is it seems so hard every time you think of the good days you had. When you look back to the past, you’ll feel scared of accepting the reality that things will never be the same again. That’s why it’s so painful to walk away from it. But God will not ask you to forget the good moments you had. In fact, He will encourage you to treat them as an assurance that He will take good care of you along the way. If He was able to let you experience those happy memories before then, for sure, He already prepared even greater things than what you had. Just keep your faith, and instead of feeling sad, choose to hold on to the promises of God. Let go and let Him lead you to the future that He wants you to cherish and cease.

Love yourself along the process. There will be times when you will feel so confused. You will keep on asking if you are doing the right thing or not. Or you’ll feel so anxious about what might happen next. Sometimes, you will forget the promises of God, and you’ll miss your old life. But don’t blame yourself if you are having a hard time. Know that it’s part of the process. You won’t really figure out everything in an instant.

Imagine you are trying to walk away from the things you used to have. That’s not an easy thing to do. It takes courage and hope to keep going. So be patient and be kind to yourself. Take your time to learn and adjust to the new environment you are walking. Don’t be in a hurry. When the time is right, everything you hoped for will come to pass, and when you get there, you can declare to yourself that you are finally starting a new life with God.

Trust that your loving Father will finish what He started. He will not ask you to do something that will destroy your life in the end. There may be pain at first but hold on to His great love for you. God is so good and kind. It means that He won’t put you to harm or lead you to a place where you can’t feel His presence. Just keep going and rely on His strength. Receive His grace and depend on His power. One day, you will realize that the process you’ve been through pushed you to become a better and more responsible person. Don’t worry! God knows what’s waiting for you on the other side. Believe in His power, and you will be safe.

One Comment

  • Anton Magallanes

    This is exactly how I feel. I am scared. I can not let go for I am already happy to where I am now, but life is pushing me away from the things that matter in my life, and putting me to a new environment where I do not know if I will be happy or my life will turn so badly and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I have no control and that makes me so frustrated, and why life can take away what matters to me and put me out of my comfort zone. I hope and pray God will not abandon me and guide me so I do not feel bad about myself and I will be able to experience the real purpose of life. I am scared to let go, and letting go of good memories is not good to my heart and it can be deadly, but I hope there are reasons why it must happen and I hope it will give me another reason to be happy, not hurt, and die slowly. I hope God knows my Heart’s desire. Please help me Lord God, AMEN💙💙💙.