The Real Brave People are those who choose to face their Deepest Wounds
No one really knows the battle that you’ve been fighting inside. People may see the things that you do, but they don’t really know the deepest wounds that you’ve been carrying all this time. God knows that your heart is breaking. He sees what’s going on inside, and He wants to help you. Remember that the real brave people are not those who carry weapons or boldly express their opinions. But they are those who silently face the wounds in their hearts.
They choose to acknowledge the painful memories that happened in the past, and they mustered the courage to go through the healing process. They know that they can’t live this life to the fullest if they will always carry the pain with them. So if you are still trying to walk away from the painful memories of your past, I pray that God will give you the strength you need to finally let go and release forgiveness. May you allow Him to break the bondages and chains in your heart so that you will be able to experience the fullness of His blessings.
Stop neglecting the wounds inside. If you keep on finding ways on how to forget what happened and just let go without facing them. Then your wounds will not be totally healed. Don’t just put temporary Band-Aids to your deep wounds. You need surgery so that your heart can fully recover and regain strength. God alone can do that. Come to Him, and He will help you along the process. Sometimes, you will experience another heartbreak during the healing process, but you need to keep in mind that God knows what He is doing.
Choose to surrender all your pain and stop carrying everything on your own. If you want to experience the kind of joy that you can’t contain, then you need a new heart. So let God mend the broken pieces, and He will turn it into a priceless masterpiece. You may not see the good things around you, but one day your wounds will turn into stories that will uplift somebody’s life. Just focus on Him and not on the pain. Believe in His promises, and keep your faith. Let Him be the reason why you remained brave.
Depend on God for strength. Do not rely on your own abilities. You will feel so tired and weak if you keep focusing on what you can do. Remember, this is not about you, but this is about glorifying God. So fix your eyes on Him, and He will take good care of you. When you can’t understand what’s going on, just call upon His name and keep talking to Him. When you are so weak, just find rest in His arms and let Him give you the comfort that you need. Remember that He is stronger than the forces of the enemy. He is bigger than all your pain.
Open your heart for His love, and you will find the courage to face your fears. Do not be afraid. Instead, hold on to God and believe in His goodness. When you feel so confused about your situation, just pray for His wisdom, and He will lead you to the right decisions. God’s grace will always be there to sustain you. Be brave not just for your own sake, but do it for Him. Deal with the matters of your heart so that He can powerfully use your life for the expansion of His kingdom. Allow Him to move, and He will amaze you with so many miracles.
Do the right thing, and you will see the light ahead. Follow the voice of God even if you feel so scared to face the past. There may be moments when you need to face the hard truths you’ve been trying to neglect but trust that God will always be with you. He will hold your hands. You can cry on His shoulders. He understands what you feel. He knows your pain, and He also sees the bright future ahead. So keep walking and be patient.
Be brave enough to overcome the things that hinder you from receiving more of His love. After that season will be a bountiful harvest. One day, you will realize that all this time, what’s stopping you from achieving your dreams are the wounds in your heart. And the moment you learn to let go and forgive others. You will also feel the freedom within. Your brave decision to fight leads you to the blessings that He prepared.