The Realities of Life
Yes, there will be a lot of challenging seasons in life
Sometimes we are at the top
Sometimes we feel sad
Sometimes we make it right
But sometimes we do fail
Sometimes we love
But sometimes we are hurt and disappointed
And it’s part of life
Even God didn’t promise us a perfect life here on earth
He just said that He will never leave you nor forsake you
That’s why you need to deal with the uncertainties of this world
And the best way to deal with it is to hold on to someone
Who is always certain about His love for you
He is your loving Father
You may face a lot of things in life
It may test your heart and your faith
But all you need to do is to believe in His promises for you
If you fail in life, then you just have to try again
If you commit a mistake, then learn to forgive yourself
Always remember the lesson and then move on
Life is too short for you to just live with what you feel inside
When life is throwing so many things at you
Learn to live like a child of God
Always remember that you are already victorious
Because Jesus already conquered this world
You just have to remind yourself over and over again
You just have to set your eyes on Him
You can do it
Never give up on life
Because God prepared something for you
You just have to hold on
Brighter days are coming
So keep on living
Keep on fighting for your dreams
Keep on believing
And if you are so occupied with so many worries and stress
Remember the reason for your existence
Remember the one who created you
Remember the reason why you keep on fighting
And I hope the reason that you have in my mind
Is no other than Jesus Christ
Because He is always worthy of our lives
I hope you remember Him
Even in those moments when you are broken
He is always waiting for you
To come back to Him

Anton Magallanes
Dear Krizajo.Tanduyan.
Honestly, I am overwhelmed today with so many worries.
I am very Blessed to read this. This is what I need right now, and I thank Jesus Christ for guiding me here.
I will remember this with all my heart.
With Love,
Clarissa C.Viray
Im very grateful to read something like this in a time where everything is unsure. I’ve made lot of mistakes, made wrong decisions based on my emotions and been blaming myself everyday wishing I could go back and did something better. But I always know that The Lord is guiding me and everyone else to surpass whatever uncertainties and adversities they are going through. I just have to forgive myself and be better and trust him with His greatness that everything will be fine. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for the message.