The Scars Will Remind You Of The Deepest Pain That God Rescued You From
The painful experiences you encountered in life will bring glory to God if you will just allow Him to change your perspective. There’s a beautiful treasure behind the wounds in your heart. If you let the love of God heal you, the wounds will turn into scars, and it will forever stay to remind you that God is your Savior and He rescued you from the deepest pain that you experienced. When you encounter a challenging situation, the scars will serve as your living hope that God is faithful enough to redeem you. It will become a testimony. One day, you will thank God for the scars because it became a seal of God’s grace and love.
The difficulties that you are going through will become a powerful message of hope. Treat the pain as God’s way of molding you into a better person. You may not appreciate your season right now because you are fully occupied with the negative emotions you feel inside. But it will never last, you will be healed, and God will restore your heart. Be patient and learn to endure. It’s okay if you can’t understand what’s happening. Just learn to trust in Him more than you rely on the things that are going on in your mind. Keep the faith because God is always there to support you until the end.
The scars only appear after you overcome the deepest wounds in your heart. Only the most painful experience will leave a scar inside. You can’t easily forget it, and sometimes, it appears so clear and vivid. But if it’s fully healed, you will remember what happened, but the pain will no longer be there. The tears will flow, not because you are sad or unhappy, but because you will remember the faithfulness of God during those moments when you feel so broken inside. You will feel in awe of His goodness, and you will learn to smile because God made you realize that there’s nothing that you can do to make Him stop loving you.
Hold on and let the pain remind you of the great love of God. You will never know how deep and wide His love is, not until you experience His great healing. This is a beautiful moment for you to embrace the presence of God. So let Him satisfy your heart, and He will restore everything in your life. God will turn your scars into a beautiful masterpiece, and you will no longer remember the pain. Instead, you will experience His overwhelming love over and over again.

One Comment
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! Thank You Jesus!!