The Small Things Will Matter As Long As You Offer Them To God
Never underestimate the things that you do for the Lord. Even if you think that it’s just a small thing, it still matters in the eyes of God as long as you learn to offer it to Him. God looks at your heart, and He knows all your motives. So keep on doing the little things even if people will not see or appreciate all of it. Know that God is watching over you, and He deeply acknowledges all your efforts. Just be consistent, and one day, you will see the fruits of your labor. He will make it grow and prosper. You will witness His miracles, and you will realize that God never wastes even the little things you do for Him. He made them fruitful, and it doesn’t only bless your life, but it also benefits the people around you.
Everything that you do for God matters to Him. He values you as a person, and He doesn’t take all your efforts for granted. God sees the things that other people never appreciate in your life. He knows your deepest desires. So be confident of the little thing that you do for Him because one day, God will bring you to the place you’ve never been before. And He will let you see the outcomes of your daily decisions to follow Him despite the challenges you are facing. You will never regret doing the simple things because it will lead you to experience more of God’s love.
Offer Him all the works of your hands. Let Him multiply the blessing in your life a thousand folds. Receive the fullness of His love, and you will never feel empty inside. Let God move and perform miracles. Do not take your talents and skills lightly. You may think that it’s nothing compared to what others are doing, but God’s standards are different from this world. So continue to serve Him with what you have, and your life here on earth is always worth living.
You will feel so satisfied at the end of the day. Because you will see that God used the little things that you have to bless His people. You will witness His power moving in the midst, and your relationship with Him will never be the same again. Keep on doing the things that will honor God’s name. Do not stop and know that God will support you along the way. He will provide greater opportunities. And when He sees that you are faithful enough to handle the little things, then He will let you manage His great blessings.

One Comment
Amen so powerful 🙏💜😘