
The Time You Spent For Waiting Is Never A Waste

Waiting Season
One of the Hardest
Yet very important season in life

Along the process,
There are a lot of things that will happen
Sometimes we feel disappointed
Sometimes we lose hope
Or maybe we feel pain while waiting

There are moments when
We tend to question God’s ways
We thought that we are forgotten
And God never cares for us

But it’s not the end of it
It’s not our destination
We may feel sad because
The things that we wanted
Are not yet happening

But know that God
Is preparing something
Something Big
Something wonderful

Yes, it seems like there’s no way for you
Yes, you can’t see anything new
Not a spark of light
Even a glimpse of hope
But do believe that
God is working

He is moving in the midst
It’s just He works in ways that we cannot see
He is a powerful and mighty God
And He can do anything He wants

He is listening to your cries
He is listening to your prayers
He is not deaf
He knows everything

This is the season of learning
A season of character molding
He is molding you into a better person

He is transforming you
Into a person that reflects His light
A person who experienced His wonderful love

So take heart!
Enjoy this season
Allow God’s presence to consume you

God is faithful
He will fulfill everything
That He promised

In the right time,
In the right place,
And with the right people

So do not give up
There is a great blessing
In waiting

You will receive His abundant love
And when that day comes you will realize that
The time you spent for waiting is never a waste

For it is always worth it!

One Comment

  • Rama

    I am going through very worst situation it is really untolerable. I am totally alone and broken there is no one who loves me cares me all the time people surrounded pull me down scold me hates me instead of understanding my situation they always fight with me make me more emotional broke. I dont have any way i am not understanding what to do where to go. All the doors of my life has closed. I have traped in dark forever. Will god help me even.