The Uncomfortable roads will build your Faith
The pain and hardships, the storms and the shaking, the fear and worries, and all those negative things you experienced, they exist to build your faith. Just because you are walking an uncomfortable road doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path. In fact, it’s an indication that God is inviting you to step into the next level of your faith. So don’t be disappointed if things don’t go according to your plans, because that’s when God will introduce more of His miracles and power. Many times, we tend to withdraw ourselves from the path that He created because we think that it’s not for us. When the obstacles are too big in our eyes, we would often look for ways on how we can ignore them. But God wants us to take them as an opportunity for us to build our faith.
Be patient when you go through difficulties. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you have so many regrets inside, then choose to surrender them to God. Allow Him to mold you through the failures that you experienced. It’s not easy to go through that season. Sometimes, you can’t help but doubt Him and yourself. You will see your weaknesses and forget about His strength. But all you need to do is trust Him. Ask for His help and surrender all your worries. Do not rely on the things that you have. Look unto God, and He will give you the strength to overcome the hard roads.
Allow your faith to grow. Give yourself the chance to become a better person. Your life will never change if you will just stay inside your comfort zone. Sometimes, God will take you on a different path so that you will grow and prosper. It’s where you will discover your potential and the desires that He planted in your heart. So when you think that you are in a new place, then be grateful to God because it simply means that He is building your faith from the inside. He is teaching you how to handle certain situations. He is introducing another opportunity where you can encounter more of Him.
Focus on the eternal treasures that you can receive from God. You can overcome your situations if you set your eyes on things that matter most in the end. Your faith is more important than your comfort because it’s the one thing that will help you experience God’s presence. You may not see Him, but it’s your faith that will open your eyes to the blessings that He prepared.