The Unspoken Thoughts of A Wounded Heart: Day 2
Dear God,
Things don’t appear easy for me today. My mind is constantly bombarded with unwanted thoughts and desires. Many times, I was tempted to follow my own will, but there you are, giving me reasons to do the right thing.
That’s why, thank you so much for sustaining me. It’s you who gave me the strength to cherish every moment despite the battle in my head. It’s you who taught me how to stand despite all my mistakes.
Lord, I’m just wondering, aren’t you tired of me? I know I’m not easy to deal with. I’m a person full of doubts. I kept worrying. I easily forget your instructions or even your promises.
Sometimes, I just wanted to do things on my own. And I’m just curious, is there any days when you felt tired because of me?
I know you are God, and our strength is nothing compared to your strength. Your kindness is limitless, your love is endless. But I just can’t help but question my worth in your eyes.

Sorry Dad, there are just days when I can’t seem to find my faith. That’s why, please don’t give up on me, Lord. There may be times when I wanted to give up on myself, but please don’t let my hands go. I know this prayer sounds so selfish, but I just can’t imagine life without you.
When my pain is so deep, may you never get tired of reminding me that your love will stay.