The Waiting Season will help you Improve your Self-control
You will feel empowered after you pass through the waiting season. You will see yourself growing in ways you can never imagine. So if God tests your patience, then know that He is preparing great things ahead. You need to learn how to control yourself so that you will properly manage His blessings. It won’t be easy. You’ll feel very uncomfortable. You will see yourself dying on the inside because you can no longer do some of the things that you want. Sometimes, you will cry, and there will be days when you’ll get mad, but when you feel so challenged, that’s the perfect opportunity for you to grow and become a better person. Keep following God’s instructions even when it’s hard. Only then will you see yourself depending on His power and not on your own understanding.
Self-control is very important. You can never stop the bad things from coming. You can’t even hide away from pain. All you can do is manage and control yourself. The challenges of this world can never shake you as long as what’s within is stronger than what’s happening on the outside. When you know yourself more, nothing else can ever break your heart – not even the negative circumstances around you. If you know how to discipline your heart from wanting selfish things, then you are always safe from the schemes of the enemy. So ask the Holy Spirit to reign in your life, and He will teach you how to deal with yourself whenever you want to make things happen instantly.
The waiting season is a very huge blessing. It’s when you can develop the character you need to effectively maximize God’s resources. Therefore, don’t be discouraged when He asks you to wait. Instead of nudging Him to give you the things you desire, learn to humbly abide in His will. It’s better to wait than spend the rest of your life in the wrong place and in the wrong company. Focus on His great promises so that you will have the courage to keep going. Keep applying the lessons that you learned, and when the perfect time comes, He will let you see the miracles that He is doing behind the scene.
Humble yourself and acknowledge God’s power. You can’t control yourself just by relying on your own strength. You are surrounded by so many temptations, and you need the power of God to overcome them. Sometimes, He won’t instantly protect you from the negative things of this world, but He will allow you to face them so that you will realize how weak and vulnerable you are. When that day comes, you will no longer focus on your own strength, but you will learn to put your confidence in the arms of your loving Father.