
There are Big Lessons behind the Little Things

Behind the little things in this life are essential lessons that can be learned. The birds and other life forms can teach us how God favors His creation. There is no need for you to worry because if He can provide food and shelter to the animals, He can also offer you the same thing. The changes of the seasons can teach you that in life, you also experience things changing over time. You will have moments of both ups and downs. You will experience a roller coaster ride of lessons that will help you grow.  

Strangers you have encountered and have spontaneous talks with can teach you to open your hearts to their stories. Testimonies such as how they lived their lives and the faith they hold on to despite the turmoil they have been through can teach you to hold on and trust the process of whatever it is that you are facing at the moment.

How they are filled with gratitude over the simplest things can teach you how to appreciate things that you thought were usual. People who worked so hard untiringly can teach you how to keep going even though we don’t see any glimpse of the goal yet. Those who open their hearts to generosity can teach you how to help others even in the simplest ways. 

Situations that are usual and seem normal can also teach you great lessons. For example, waiting in a long queue could teach patience and discipline. Interrupted schedules can make you flexible and adjust to sudden changes and circumstances. Long to-do lists can teach you how to organize and manage your time. Unplanned activities could teach you how to be resourceful and creative. Spontaneous getaways could be a key to unwinding and relaxing. 

There are a lot of things that are happening in your life right now. Pay attention to the details, and you will realize that you are surrounded by things that will help your growth. Lessons in your life will not only come from big situations but also in the simplest ones. Sometimes, you just have to be more observant to see them. Focusing on your problems and doubts will only give birth to more. Instead, try to see what your situation is asking for you to do. Ask for His wisdom, and He will grant it to you in many ways. Such ways are shown and revealed in the simplest form.

One Comment

  • Jessa

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