There are Important things in Life that you can only do Through God’s Help
There are Important things in Life that you can only do Through God’s Help
There are Important things in life that you can only do Through God’s Help
You can’t simply rely on your own strength. Whether you like it or not, you will face challenges that will lead you to ask for God’s help. Those days will make you feel that there are things in life that you can’t do on your own. You need His wisdom and grace so that you will overcome those difficult seasons. So when you face a lot of unexpected events right now, then it’s the perfect opportunity for you to activate your faith in God. Learn to depend on Him and trust in His guidance. Do not focus on your own understanding. Listen to God and consult Him in everything that you do. Seek His wisdom, and do not base your actions according to your emotions. Allow Him to take over so that you will be guided.
Live inside the grace of God. Remember that all the blessings that you receive are reflections of His goodness and mercy. It’s not about your efforts and strengths. But it’s about who God is. Every good thing that He did in your life simply testify who He is. So don’t live as if everything depends on you. Because the truth is, there are so many things that God is doing behind the scene. You may not discover all of them, but when the time is right, God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the miracles behind the painful events in your life. Keep in mind that you are here because of His unfailing grace. So stop focusing on yourself. Look unto God and let His goodness remind you to stay grateful.
Be humble and accept the truth that only God can save you. The achievements that you experienced are all because of God’s favor and opportunities. Don’t forget that you would never be where you are right now if not because of His help. He is the One who orchestrated everything. He determines the situations that you need to experience for you to have a renewed mindset. He planned the people that you will meet who will help you along the way. He wants to be the author of the story that you badly wanted to write. You need to give away the pain and acknowledge Him as the King of your life. He alone can lead you to the future that He prepared.
You won’t fully appreciate this life without God’s love. You need to have His perspective so that you will see the good things around you. If you only receive His revelation every single day, you will surely be overwhelmed by the blessings that He provided for you. It’s His love who will give you the courage to experience breakthroughs. It’s Him who can take away your fears. He alone can give you the assurance that everything will be okay. If you only set your eyes on His unfailing love, you will surely overcome all the problems that come your way. God can help you in ways you can never imagine. So come to Him and surrender everything.