There Are Things In Life That Are Greater Than What You Do For Living
Whatever you are doing right now, I hope the reason is not just for living, but instead, you wanted to make a difference not just in your life but also for others. There is more to life than living. Sometimes, we will learn to appreciate it when we try to serve wholeheartedly instead of asking something in return. You will receive a beautiful treasure when you learn to help, and it’s something that you can never buy, for it can only be felt.
What makes this life worth living is not because of the paycheck we receive every month. Yes, it can be a form of reward for yourself, but it can never fulfill the longing you feel inside. Money can never buy your happiness. Even if you think it can somehow lead you to find things that will entertain you, but it will never last. Everything in this world is temporary. One way or another, we always need to find that longing in our hearts that money can never offer.
Try to live a life that is greater than yourself. Do something that will somehow help others. Learn to serve, and only then will you experience the kind of joy that you never experienced before. When you start to change your mindset, you will then be able to see things that you never imagined before. You can widen your thoughts by simply loving others with all your heart.
Do not be consumed with temporary things. Yes, it would be best if you work hard for your future, but don’t allow yourself to focus on the things that might destroy you. You can plan for what’s ahead while you can live in the present and start building something that will make you realize that everything you’ve been going through is worth it.
May you always feel fulfilled on the inside. I pray that you will always find satisfaction even in the simplest things you experienced. This life is still worth living as long as we learn to live, not just for ourselves but also for others’ sake. The journey will always be worth it when you know that every decision you make is not just for your own good but also for other people. I’m not saying that you should forget yourself, but it is simply about sharing your life with others.