There Is Beauty Behind The Process That God Wants You To Take
God works in ways you cannot see. Most of the time, He will allow you to go through the process so that you will learn and grow. You may not appreciate it right now because all you see are the challenges, but there is beauty behind what you are going through right now. Things may appear so disappointing and painful to you, but trust that God is doing something great behind the scene. He is developing your strength. So that you will be able to handle the blessings that He prepared for you. It may take so long for you to get to the place that God wants you to discover, but keep the faith because if God is with you, then you are on the right track. Believe that you will get there in His perfect timing.
Be patient. You will fail to discover the lessons if you are always in a hurry. Do not be afraid if it takes time for you to overcome your problems. Remember that God holds every moment of your life. Your timeline may be different, but trust that God knows what He is doing. He knows the perfect timing. So you better depend on Him more than you rely on your own understanding. Take the time to apply the lessons that you learned. Never compare yourself to others. You are unique and special. You may not see it, but the people around you are also going through struggles in life. So focus on God and always remember the goal, which is to glorify His name.
Cherish the process because it will only happen once in a lifetime. Things will never be the same. People will change. Your situation will change. The past will stay behind, and you can never bring it back. Today will be tomorrow’s yesterday. So while you are still here, live in the moment and treasure your experiences, may it be good or bad. Everything will make sense one day, so keep it inside your heart and remind yourself that God allows you to experience that moment for a purpose. Honor God, even if you can’t understand the things that are happening around you. Keep on walking because His light will be there to guide your path.
The truth is you are growing. You fail to notice it because you are too bombarded with many things in life. But if you will just look deeper, you will realize that you already started to see things differently, and you are no longer the same person you used to be. God renewed your heart, and He gave you enough strength along the process. You may think that your progress is just too little compared to the people around you, but God appreciates your heart, and He knows that you are trying.

Rita Lawrence
I like that very much.
Thank you God Amen.
It is real and true. I like the whole experience of the Lord changing me . Into better person than I really am now. He totally understands my timing.
A. S. Vivian Joe Stanis
Really nice and these words are directional. Thanking you very much.
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! I am really inspired by this!! I had to share it on my story to see how many viewers I get!!
I really love this! Thank you Pursued for the inspirational writings that we all need especially now.
I like that a lot.
Thank you God