
There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In The Presence Of God

Remember that God moves according to His purpose. He will never allow a situation to happen if it will only destroy you in the end. You may think that what’s happening right now is too painful for you to handle, but know that God is doing something wonderful behind the scene. The circumstances you face, the people that you meet, and the uncertainties that you experienced, all of those things are not coincident. They happened for a reason, and it’s deeper than what you can comprehend. Choose to trust in God and know that you are always safe in His arms. He already planned everything for you. And all you need to do is simply allow Him to move despite all the fears you feel inside.

Believe that God is leading you to the right track. He just sees things differently. That’s why you need to trust in Him, especially in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. If you feel so scared of the problems that you are facing, just know that as long as God is with you, then you are always safe and secured. Pray that God will increase your faith so that you will learn to focus on the blessings and not on the hardships you are going through. God knows why He created you, and the things that are happening in your life are part of His plans. He will make things beautiful in His time.

God destined you to experience great moments in life. Maybe you can’t still grasp the desires of God in your heart because you are not yet ready to receive them. But when the time is right, God will reveal to you everything. And all you need to do is to declare that by faith, He will make it all happen in your life. He wants to use what you have so that He can bless others. That’s why He is training you right now on how to surrender all your selfish desires and simply put your hope in Him. The more you learn to depend on God, the more you realize that you can do all things through Him, who gives you strength.

One day, you will be able to testify His goodness in your life. You will see His hands behind the unexpected events you experienced. God will turn your painful situation into a wonderful chapter of your story. He will let you see things the way He sees them, and only then will you be able to share the things you learned, especially to do those who went through the same pain you experienced.