There is no such thing as “Self-made” Christian
If you call yourself a Christian, then it means that you are no longer the god of your life. Instead, you treat Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. You abide in His ways and obey His commands. You depend on His love and not on your own strength. You no longer live according to your own understanding. Instead, you choose to rely on what God is saying. That’s what being a Christian is all about. It means that you are no longer on your own. You allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead you along the journey. So if you think that you are who you are right now because of all your efforts and strength, then it’s time for you to wake up. You will never reach this far if not because of the grace of God. You are not a self-made Christian. Jesus is walking with you, that’s why you arrived in that place.
Never take the credit. Bring back all the glory to God. He deserves everything. Humble yourself and try to look at the things that He did in your life. Recall those moments when He answered your prayers. Remember those times when you were in the middle of the storm, and then God showed up and rescued you. Look at His faithfulness in your life. He never fails to provide you with everything that you need. The journey was tough, but you survived all because of the goodness of God. His son Jesus Christ already did the most painful part, and all you have to do is receive and allow Him to reign. Imagine that kind of love. It’s greater than what your family and friends can give. He offered everything to you. That’s why He deserves all the honor.
Go through the journey with Jesus. Walk with Him and hold His hands. You can take some rest in His arms. Stop doing things on your own. Let the Holy Spirit give you the grace and strength that you need. You don’t have to fight the battle alone. Jesus is with you, and He will teach you how to overcome all your fears. Just stop focusing on your own knowledge and understanding. You don’t have to walk as if nobody wants to be with you because the truth is Jesus is just waiting for you to depend on Him. Let His love gives you the motivation to move forward.
The Christian life may be challenging, painful, and uncomfortable, but it’s exciting and always worth it. The lessons that you are you carrying will lead you to the blessings that God prepared as long as you will apply them. This is not just your journey, but it’s the path that Jesus wants to explore with you. Remember that you need the Holy Spirit to grow. You need Jesus in your life.

One Comment
Nathaniel Myles
Amen, Amen, Amen 🙏🙏🙏