There is so much more in your life that God wants you to experience
God prepared so much for you. So continue beyond where you are right now. Do not get too disappointed just because your plans did not happen or because you are defeated after fighting so hard. Know that you were courageous enough to get to where you are right now. You have been through a lot, and God is proud of you. He saw how you sacrificed your time and pride just to walk the path He prepared for you.
Allow yourself to lose and learn from the things in life. When you do so, learn and get up again. You may be too far from how you would like your life, but trust that God has His timing in everything. Endure the pain, but also believe that He will heal. Allow yourself to strengthen by the things happening in your life right now and build courage despite the things that are going around you.
Don’t give up yet. Just rest and gather yourself again. Praise and worship Him no matter how hopeless everything looks. Trusting and believing in His ways won’t cost you anything but your heart and mind. Prepare yourself to get on the ride with His plans. Don’t worry, because it will be promising. It will just get hard sometimes, but it will be worth it. If you experience pain, let it teach you endurance and faith in healing. If someone broke your heart and trust, let that situation teach you how to value yourself even better. Turn your perspective and allow your heart to see things the way God intends them. And always give yourself a chance to learn and grow.
Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Allow yourself to learn from the things that you are going through right now. See the purpose in something and not just how they happen. Everything you are going through in your life right now will, one way or another, speak of the state of your heart. So take it gently, and listen to yourself. Being defeated is not easy. It is never easy to endure pain and feel your heart breaking. But know that God sees everything. He sees how much you have cried and how much you’ve been through. He knows and feels your pain. But He also knows why you have to go through it. So, let His purpose be more potent than your doubt for yourself. Let Him speak to you in a way a Father consoles His loving child.
You are growing and learning in this life. So, get up and keep on moving. The world will not stop for you, but you can always give it meaning. You can always see your life according to your purpose and remember that your goal is different from other people’s. You could be unique and life-changing in your own way. Just let God take over your life and be obedient in His ways. More is coming for you, so keep on going. And remember, God will never give up on you.