There’s a Big Difference between living for Jesus and just doing Religious Practices
Why are you reading the Bible? Why are you listening to sermons? Why do you go to church? Is it because of religion, or is it because you wanted to know Jesus even more? The practices and traditions that the churches are imposing exist so that God will be glorified, but if people use them out of selfish motives and impure hearts, then it would be meaningless in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
Your religion should lead you closer to the heart of God, and if by chance you are practicing what your church demanded of you, yet you never experience His presence and love, then it’s time for you to check if you are doing the right thing or not. God called you to love Him and His people. He is not demanding you to do certain rituals just for the sake of showing others that you are a religious person. Real transformation happens when you allow Jesus to live and reign in your life.
It all begins in the heart. What’s inside of you will slowly manifest in your surroundings. If you are rooted in the wrong foundation, then the practices and rituals that you are doing will just lead you to deeper brokenness and pain. No matter how good the tradition is, if your heart is not in tune with God, then it will not serve its purpose. You need to be deeply connected to Him, and it takes an intimate relationship for you to experience it.
Spend more time in a quiet place and don’t just do it because your church requires you to do it, but you need to be intentional so that you will experience more of Him. Let Him purify your soul first so that you will receive the Holy Spirit. Don’t just interact with Him in moments when you are struggling. Treat Him as the center of your life, and you will be guided.
There’s nothing wrong with the practices and traditions that your church is doing as long as they lead you closer to God. If you see yourself growing and knowing more about Him because of the activities you participated in, in the church, then it means that God is using them to bless and help you. But you need to prioritize your quiet time with Him above all your religious rituals and practices because you will not appreciate His blessings if you are not deeply connected to Him. The fellowship that you have with other believers would mean nothing if you didn’t have a strong relationship with God. You need to grow in His presence. You need to know Jesus even more so that you will learn to Glorify His Name.
Living for Jesus means you honor Him not just through the religious practices that you are doing but also through the ordinary activities in your life. Please Him through the works of your hands and the words of your mouth. Let your actions reflect His love and kindness. Live your life according to His ways and instructions. Do not follow your own will. Instead, let Him be your King. That’s what living for Jesus truly means. And when you put Him first in your life, you will slowly realize that it’s not about having a religion but it’s all about experiencing an intimate relationship with your Savior.

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Nathaniel Myles