There’s A Hidden Blessing In Every Obstacle That You Are Facing
You may have a lot of questions right now. Maybe you’ve been facing a lot of problems, and you think that you already lose hope. You are so lost, and you feel so helpless inside. You’ve been fighting the battle all alone, and you already feel so weak. Whatever is going on in your mind, always remember that there’s a blessing waiting for you.
God will use the obstacle in front of you to help you grow into a better person. You may not see it now because maybe you are full of so many worries inside. But know that one day you will thank God for allowing you to go through that kind of situation. There’s a beautiful blessing behind the pain. You will see God’s goodness behind the bad things that you experienced. Always remember that He works in ways we cannot see. One day, your tears will turn into joyful singing.
It is written in Romans 8:28, “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” As long as God is with you, He will work in your life. Even if all you can see right now is darkness. God can turn it into a beautiful masterpiece.
Sometimes, the most valuable blessings we receive in life are the things that we can’t see. Those are precious gifts that only God can give you. The strength that you have right now while you are going through some difficulties. The grace that God provided for you every day. Those are great blessings. You can’t see it most of the time because you are so occupied with the negative things around you. But the reality is, God has been pouring blessings for you even if you have so many struggles.
The obstacles in front of you will become a testimony one day. Through the things that you experienced, you will be able to testify to the whole world that God is good after all. You will realize that He never leaves your side. He is with you all along.
You will never be the same person after the storm. You will learn to depend more on God. Your relationship with Him will be stronger. If you allow God to teach you how to deal with the problems you’ve been facing right now, you will realize that God has been preparing a wonderful blessing for you all this time.

Leah Reyes
Thank you so much for this beautiful message. I lost my beloved husband to lung cancer almost 4 months ago , and I question God why so soon. I am still looking for God’s reason why it happened considering we are both 57 only. I had cancer too in 2018 and after a year he had it too. With your message now, I have lifted all my questions and pains. I trust God more than ever now that He will in His perfect time reveal His reason why He took mu husband home too soon.
Santana colaco
Tks a lovely blessed message
Ava Woods
This message blessed me this morning
Lou reeves
Yes l had been reading Romans 8:38-39 this morning then l was sent Romans 28 Wow l think he is trying to tell me something which proves he knows are struggle and he is with us mother is to difficult for God.
It is really good to know your not on your own , this is also very good to share these words of Gods with others who feel the same. Many thanks Lou
Anna Marie T. Yabut
Thank you for the encouraging words… Godbless us all
Kally ⁸
This message touched me, am blessed after reading this