
There’s No Past Too Broken That God Can’t Restore

You can never go back and change the things that happened before. It will always be part of your life. And no matter how painful it is for you, those memories will always be there, and it will never vanish. But even though we can’t bring back the past, God can powerfully restore it for us. He will turn the brokenness you feel inside into a powerful testimony. It seems impossible for you, but God can do anything. The first thing that you should do is to surrender all the burdens you feel inside. You need to learn how to let go. Acknowledge that you need help from God. He is just waiting for you to open your heart.

God cares for you. He wants to save you from the things that will destroy your life. Maybe you have so many questions in mind. Why do you have to go through so much pain? Why can’t He turn things around and just bring back the life you used to have? Maybe you are looking for answers right now, but God sometimes doesn’t give us the answer we wanted to hear. His intentions are just so pure and deep for us to comprehend. That’s why we always find it hard to understand His ways. What we can do is to simply trust Him. We need to believe that our Heavenly Father will always love and protect us no matter how difficult this life is.

Allow God to restore your past. Maybe you are just keeping it inside your heart, and you thought that you already overcome it, but the truth is, you still feel so broken and lost on the inside. It’s time for you to ask for some help. Offer all your burdens to God and let Him take good care of it. You can rest in His arms. Let Him comfort you with His love. One day, you will be amazed because He will make things beautiful in His perfect time. He will turn your broken life into a beautiful masterpiece.

Remember that your past can never dictate your future. You are meant to experience great things in life. You are created to be victorious. You will overcome the painful memories, and God will turn it into a powerful message of hope. One day, your life story will bless other people. So do not give up because God will heal you. He will empower you to share His love with the lost and broken—especially those people who went through the same experiences that you have.


  • Billy

    The past is past. My purpose is to share good news. God know. I treasure friendship. But a trust is priceless. I hope they will never hurt others. The only things I can do is to pray for them.

  • Bernadette Mejia

    I am abandoned by my husband of 38 years, i cannot imagine how he did it to me? I believe in the sacrament of marriage. I cannot change the past, i hope God will restore my marriage in his time, i am praying for my husband enlightenment that his relationship with his mistress is wrong, and he repent from His sin soon.