Self Development

There’s nothing more Important than having Deep Contentment and Peace

When can we finally say that we are contented? Humans, as we are, we always crave something more. Our selfish desires tend to focus on things that we don’t have. That’s when we feel empty and always longing for what we can see from others. We crave more earthly pleasures just to satisfy the void within. This is the reason why we need help in order for us to experience deep contentment.

Our hearts will continue to seek things that this world can never offer. But the good news is that we have a perfect God who can completely make us whole. His unfailing love can satisfy the thirst we feel inside. He alone can give us the grace to experience a life full of peace and contentment. We can’t do it on our own. Our skills and knowledge are never enough.

Some of our wrong decisions are because of the deep longing that we have within. We unknowingly follow our selfish desires because we think that they will give us the fulfillment that we long to experience. And the sad truth is, we only realize that what we did is not a wise thing after going through the painful consequences. We only discover what we truly need after we shed some tears. Let’s not wait for that difficult moment to happen. God is just waiting for our hearts to be in tune with Him. When that day comes, we will stop looking for pleasures in the wrong places. His presence will consume our hearts and touch the deepest part of our souls. He will let us experience a glimpse of heaven. And it will be a glorious moment.

It’s time for us to focus on things we used to ignore. We may think that our bad habits are just part of our nature, but we can still improve our lives if we only learn to accept the truth that God alone can make us feel complete and whole. Let’s stop diverting our attention to the riches that this world can offer. What we want are not really the things that we can buy or get from others, but it’s the feeling that we can experience every time we acquire something. It’s about the pleasure that we long to have. But that desire is very temporary. Only the grace of God can totally make us feel so satisfied.

Let’s take some time to contemplate the things that we truly want in life. Why do we want them? It’s important to know the reason so that we can consistently check if our hearts are really aligned with God’s will. When we connect our lives to God, we will also experience the things that He prepared for us. And it’s always for our good. The great things that He had in mind can always make us truly happy and contented.