His Word

They Chose To Intentionally Seek God In Making Wise Decisions

Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.

Acts 14:23, NIV

When Paul and Barnabas returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, they made sure that someone would take good care and administer to the followers there. They didn’t leave them empty-handed. Instead, they properly arranged and prepared everything they could in order for them to be guided. One of the notable things they did was pray and fast.

The moment they appointed the elders, they acknowledged the truth that they needed God’s guidance in doing it. Prayer and fasting were the best ways for them to seek God’s leading. They didn’t rely on their own understanding. Instead, they surrender their desires through prayer. This is a beautiful reminder for us not to make decisions on our own, especially when it could impact God’s people. Paul and Barnabas were already filled with the Holy Spirit, but they chose to intentionally seek God in making wise decisions.

Not only that, but they also committed them to the Lord. They knew that the church belongs to Jesus. And despite their effort to help and support them, it’s God’s grace that will sustain them. After all, it’s not about the things that they did to them, but it’s all about trusting God’s power to reign in their lives.  The early disciples simply reminded themselves that the church is nothing without God’s guidance and presence.

May this lesson lead us to trust in God, especially when we encounter moments when we need to make decisions for the sake of His people. May we learn to seek His will above our understanding. Let’s continue to rely on His presence and let go of our selfish desires. May we never forget that the church belongs to Jesus.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to trust in your will. Just like Paul and Barnabas, please teach us how to seek and acknowledge your desires in our lives. We pray that you will continue to lead us closer to your heart. May the Holy Spirit continue to reign and purify our selfish desires. Be glorified in our lives, Lord. Come, and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This we ask, in Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

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