This is How you will Discover your Worth
In this modern age, you will encounter different information that will dictate your worth. Strangers will label you as useless. And there will be days when you hear negative comments from people you love. That’s why it’s very important to discover your true worth. So that when you face obstacles, you will not be easily swayed by the lies of the enemy. You need to have a strong foundation, especially when you encounter uncertainties and pain. For you to know your real value in the eyes of God, here are three things that you can do:
1. Open the Bible and read God’s words.
Your Creator alone knows who you truly are. That’s why stop listening to unreliable sources. Open your Bible and meditate on His words. There, you will discover how deep and great His love is. Seek Him first and saturate your thoughts with His promises. You will know how precious you are in His eyes. If you are aware of the things that He is doing, you will also have an idea about your God-given identity. You will no longer allow other people to easily make you feel useless.
Study the stories of God’s people, and you will know how He rescued and provided for them. Get to know their personalities, and you will discover that, just like you, they are not perfect. You will be amazed the moment you encounter the ways of God through the lives of His prophets and disciples. Only then will you slowly learn to see yourself from a better perspective.
2. Observe the creations around you.
God took good care of the flower, the birds, and even the smallest insects. He made them for a purpose. He provided for their needs. If He was able to sustain them, then God will also do the same thing in your life. When you look at the sun, remember that God allowed it to shine because He wants you to see the light. When you see the vast ocean, know that His love is greater than that. His creations reflect His kindness. And the more you realize how wonderful He is through the things that He created, the more you also see your worth in His eyes. He never created something out of nothing. His creations speak of His greatness, and you are part of His masterpiece.
3. Open your heart for God’s love.
Receive Jesus in your heart and let His sacrifice become your great reminder that you are loved beyond measure. He chose to offer His life because you are so important to Him. He wants to experience eternity with you. And for you to live according to His identity, you just need to open your heart so that He can come in. Receive His grace, and you will slowly accept your true worth.