This is what makes you Unclean
“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.” -Matthew 15:17-20
Whatever comes out from your mouth comes from your heart. If your heart is full of evil thoughts, immorality, and negative things, then it will manifest in your words. This is what makes you unclean. So check your heart and try to evaluate the things that are going inside. Let God purify it so that you can’t hurt others. Your words can make or break someone’s life, so if you want good things to come out from your mouth, then manage your heart first. Deal with what’s wrong on the inside. Do not neglect them, or it will get worst. Face your emotions and ask God’s wisdom to consume your thought. Depend on His power, and you will experience complete healing.
What’s in your heart is very important. All your decisions and plans will be affected if it’s not okay. Your relationship with others will also be in danger because what’s inside will be released through your words. And if your feel bitter, then you can’t help it but utter painful words that will deeply affect someone’s heart. So before you start your day, learn to check it first. Reflect on the things that you’ve been thinking lately and submit to God everything that is bothering you. Let Him reign inside and stop following your own emotions. Do not trust in your understanding. Seek God and align everything to Him. Stop neglecting the things you can’t see. Ask for God’s strength, and you will be able to face them.
Do not focus on the outside. Jesus said that the food from your mouth will just affect your body, but your words are from your heart, and that is what makes you unclean. So with this, we are reminded to look at the things that will truly matter most at the end of the day. Watch out with your words. Try to evaluate and think before you release them to others. Be more mindful and vigilant. Continuously pray for God’s grace to purify your soul so that His goodness will manifest through the things that you say. Build your faith in God and know that your relationship with Him will slowly transform you from the inside.
Surrender your heart to God. Give Him your all, and you will gain more. Submit to Him all your worries and doubts. Let Him transform you. Be patient. The process will not be easy, but as long as you stay in His arms, your heart will be aligned to His will. One day, it will all manifest through your actions and the way you talk to others. You will be able to release blessings and not hurtful words.