
To Die With Great Faith Inside Is More Rewarding Than Achieving Worldly Success

Life is short. And sometimes, we can only realize it the moment we are already on the verge of life and death. When everything seems so good, we tend to forget the value of life and just live according to our desires. But when we face a difficult situation where death is already knocking on the door, everything will sink in. And that’s the moment when you start to accept the truth that your life here on earth will never last. This is the reason why we need to set our eyes on things that will truly matter in the end. Your worldly success will only give you temporary happiness, but your faith in God lasts until eternity. And it will never be in vain.

While you are still breathing, just do your best to live according to God’s will. We are doing this not for God’s sake, but everything that He wants us to do is for our own good. He knows what’s the best for us, so let Him be the God of your life. You may believe in His existence, but following Him is another story. It takes faith and commitment. It will never be a comfortable journey, you will experience pain along the way, and your faith will be tested. But everything will be worth it.

Treasure your relationship with God before it’s too late. Maybe you are so occupied with achieving worldly success that you tend to forget God along the way. You follow your own will and do things on your own. But you can come back in His arms while you still have time. He alone knows what tomorrow brings. So instead of doing things that will not matter in the end, why not open your heart so that His love can come in. He will teach you how to forgive yourself and how to love others. Your relationship with Him is the most valuable treasure you could ever receive here on earth. Your money will fade, and your earthly riches are temporary, but your precious moments with God will always stay.

When your time here on earth ends, your faith in God will give you enough courage to let go of everything. Death is painful and sad. But the moment you trust God, you will end this life victoriously. You know that your life here on earth may be temporary, but God was able to use you for His glory. That kind of success is something that this world can never offer, but only God can give.