To My Future Spouse
I will choose to wait for you
Because I know that’s the best thing to do
And I know that it’s going to be worth it!
There are times that I question God
And have doubts in my mind
Wondering if you really exist or not
But as I begin to gaze at the beauty of our creator
I realized that simply looking at Him is more than enough
And whether you are with me or not
I know that I am already fulfilled and satisfied
Because God taught me how to receive His love
He taught me how to treasure this life
As I encounter God’s love,
I learned that life is more than just waiting for you to come
It’s more than just preparing myself to become the right one
Life is all about living for God
I thought that the moment I will meet you
Will be the time I will experience true fulfillment
But as God immersed me with His love
I realized that knowing Him
Is more than enough
Continue to pray for us
Because one day
We will do the same thing
We will worship Him together
We will lift our hands together
And bring glory to His name
He alone knows the perfect time
And the perfect place
So continue to Trust Him
Because He is faithful enough
To answer our prayers
Keep your faith
And never give up
I’ll be right here
I will also continue to embrace His great love
I will serve Him with my whole heart
I will keep on glorifying His name
I will use what I have to serve Him
I will set my eyes on Him
Until I will clearly hear His voice
Until I’ll hear Him say
“My Child, here’s the one that I prepared for you all this time.”
Edrina Newton
Each and every word of this note is true. I have experienced God transforming me and understanding that in him I am complete. I am finally complete and I don’t feel the need of anyone else. I can love someone and still not be dependent. I can wait for someone and also trust God for his perfect timing and not get bitter in my waiting. I am sure that God will do what he has promised and some day I ,will testify that God is not a liar. He loves me and knows my heart.
I now know that I live to glorify him. My purpose is God and rest everyone is here to play their role in some way or another. It’s ultimately for him our life is surrendered and becuase of him being there I don’t feel alone. He is love.
Andre Cronje
This is truly a beautiful love letter of hope and expectation. It is deep with substance of peace that God knows. thank you.
Silas Robinson
Amy Webb
These words have come from my heart! How did you get them lol!
I truly am waiting for Jesus to send me a Christian man and he will love me for me. I won’t have to walk human alone because Jesus God never leaves me!
Thank you