
To the one crying in silence

God is embracing you
He is wiping your tears away
He knows why you are crying
He will give you the strength you need

People may not see your heart
They may not give you comfort
But trust God is watching
He is always doing something

Don’t carry pain by yourself
Come to His presence
And pour what you feel
Tell Him about everything

He is always ready to listen
You are not alone
God is walking with you
His is waiting for your embrace

Let Him give you peace
Listen to His voice
Receive His promises
He understands you

Seeing you in pain
Also breaks His heart
But He will save
So just hold His hands

Let His love take the pain
Soon, everything will make sense
He will open your eyes
And appreciate His blessings

He is your Father
And He will make you whole
He cares for you
So treat Him as your Lord

You will feel His comfort
In Him is a relief
Rest in His presence and realize
He is all you ever need