Self Development

To the woman who is still in Her early 20’s

Maybe you are wondering about the things that you wanted to do in life. You have so many dreams, but then you just don’t know where exactly you are headed. And right now, you feel so confused about what’s going on because it seems like things are not familiar to you. Your future may appear so blurry, but please be patient with yourself. Sometimes, you can’t figure things out in an instant. You will find yourself wondering about what you really wanted to do, but it takes time and a long process for you to fully decide what you truly want. So instead of pressuring yourself. Please learn to enjoy your season because you will fail to learn the lesson if you only think about your own goals and expectations.

Don’t stress yourself with the things that are out of your control. Let the uncertainties that life throws at you teach you how to become resilient. Choose to manage yourself and stop blaming other people or the situation that you are in. Strive to become a better version of yourself, and you will slowly see things from a different perspective. Manage your expectations because sometimes, it will bring you down, especially if you don’t know how to handle mistakes. So allow yourself to grow, and be more patient.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. If you are still single, then go outside of your comfort zone, and you will learn exciting things along the way. Explore the world around you while you still have lesser responsibilities. Sometimes, you will be challenged to let go of important things, but that doesn’t mean that you will fail. God just wants you to discover your true potential. So make the most of every opportunity and try your best to become better each day. Please do not limit yourself. You never really know the things that you can do, not unless you try.

Please learn to enjoy the blessings that God poured out for you in this season. Thank God for what He gave you, and cherish the lessons that you learned along the way. Relax and stop stressing yourself. If you feel so tired, then learn to rest but do not quit. There are still great blessings waiting for you. So expect more adventures to come.  When the time is right, God will reveal His plans to you. Just keep walking and learn to appreciate your little accomplishments.