To those who Experienced Pain from the People they Love
You will be okay. It may not happen instantly, but your heart will be fully healed. You may not understand the reason why you need to go through that season, but God will be there to give you the strength that you need. Remember that those who choose to love despite the pain are the real warriors in life. You are an extraordinary person, not because of the things that you can do, but because you humbly follow God’s will despite what you feel. Keep going, and don’t be afraid to love again. It may take time for you to finally learn what it means to serve and accept others, but choose to depend on His power. Do not focus on what other people did. Instead, set your eyes on things that are pleasing to God.
You can’t control other people’s behavior. That’s why, no matter how much you try to protect yourself from pain, you can’t help but feel frustrated in the end. You are surrounded by broken people. That’s why you can’t expect them to be perfect. There will be days when you feel so wounded because of the things that they did or the words that they said. Most of the time, the negative things you receive from them are not intentional. They are just going through battles within. That’s why they find it hard to control themselves. So instead of treating them as bad people, try to look at their wounds, and you will understand the reason behind their behaviors.
Choose to forgive. They may not always ask sorry to you, but share with them the grace you received from Jesus. Release His love to others and let His light shine in your life. Do it not just for them, but it’s a perfect gift that you can give to yourself. Set yourself free from bitterness, and only then will you see God’s great blessings. Do not be discouraged if you can’t see any changes in their lives. Focus on your heart. What’s important is that you are growing inside. When you learn to accept their mistakes, that’s the time when you are mature enough to let go of your hurts and disappointments. It won’t be easy, but it’s always worth it in the end.
Let go and surrender. Learn to take one small step at a time and choose to love again. Do not allow the pain to hinder you from being the best version of yourself. Keep growing and move forward. You may find it impossible to believe in love again, but treat God as your ultimate source of strength. Remember His promises and live in His presence. Let Him heal all your wounds, and you will experience better days ahead.