Today is a Chance for you to Look at your life from a Better Perspective
God allowed you to live for today because He still wants you to see the blessings behind the circumstances that you are facing. You are surrounded with favor and opportunities. So stop focusing on the painful things that happened in your life. Your problems are there not to break your heart but to make you stronger. You can’t appreciate what you have not until you change the way you see things. How you deal with the situation around you depends on your perspective. If you think that you can’t make it, you will really find it hard to overcome the trials in your life. But if you believe that there is still hope, then good things will flow, and you will figure out the best thing to do. And today is your chance to do it.
Think of the blessings that God poured out for you. Remember those moments when He surprised you with so many gifts and those times when you experienced His great love. Focus on the good things that happened in your life. When you choose to think of the blessings, then you will slowly see the hands of God moving in the midst. Stop worrying about what might happen next. Remember that your loving Father always gives you the things that you need. He will sustain you with His grace. The kind of grace that will give you the courage to move forward despite the challenges you face.
God will never allow something to happen that will just destroy you in the end. He planned everything according to His own purpose. And you will fail to appreciate His ways if you keep on relying on your own understanding. Trust in the hands of God and know that He is always good. There are blessings behind the bad things you experienced in life. He is transforming you into a better person. So believe in His love and know that He will continue to hold your hands until you finish your journey with victory.
Today is a gift, and please treasure it because it will never come back. The things that you will experience today will never happen again. Remember that change is a constant thing in this world. So, while you are still here, choose to make the most of this day, and enjoy God’s presence. Your life is a beautiful blessing. Treat every day as special, and you will experience joy from within.

Nathaniel Myles