Too much Pride brings Disgrace
Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor.
Proverbs 29:23, NIV
Be humble, and God will honor you. Remember that we are all so tiny in the eyes of God. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the alpha and the omega. He owns time and eternity. If we will try to ponder our lives here on earth, it’s like a vapor that will easily fade. Who are we to contradict God’s will and disrespect His creation? Who are we to insist on our own plans and desires? God is the King of this world, and your pride is nothing compared to His power. So be humble and stop treating your life as if you revolve in your own world.
You are living inside God’s creation. That’s why you need to respect Him in all of your ways. Do not treat yourself as someone who is bigger than others. Yes, the world may give you the authority to lead people and to supervise them, but at the end of the day, God will look at your heart. And He will judge you according to your ways. He gave you the chance to carry certain responsibilities so that you will learn to serve Him and His people.
Remember that we are all equal in the eyes of God. He created the rich and the poor. He treats us as His children. Don’t abuse the power that He gave you. Use it for good and maximize it for His glory. God sees things differently. He is not after your wealth, but He is looking at your heart. He doesn’t need your money. God owns everything, and He is so rich. So don’t boast with what you have, instead rely on Him. Don’t mistreat other people just because you are richer or more powerful than them. God is their lawyer. And He will protect them. This life is not just about the success and wealth that you can get. But it’s about receiving God’s grace and trusting in His power.
Respect God’s creation. Treat them as His treasures. Stop talking bad about them. Instead, help others and be a good vessel of His love. One way of respecting them is to learn to accept their uniqueness and differences. You can’t always impose your own principles on other people. God didn’t force you to follow His will. He acknowledged our freedom. That’s why until now, you still have the power to choose what’s right and wrong in your eyes. So stop controlling other people. You are not God. Respect and love them for who they are. If you think that you have a better perspective, then ask God to guide you. Allow Him to teach you how to share your ideas with others without offending and disrespecting them.
Choose to serve and love the people around you. Do not focus on what they did wrong. If they offend you, then lower down your pride and release forgiveness. Yes, the pain is still there, but you can always let go of the bitterness that you feel. Don’t follow your selfish desires. Listen to God, and He will teach you how to be humble. Accept and love others. Remember that you are not the only human being in this world. Just like you, people are also fighting battles you can’t see, so learn to understand them and stop following your pride.

One Comment
Pamela Sereta
Very true.