Self Development

Treasure your Life

You won’t stay in this world forever. You have a limited time here on earth. So before it’s too late, choose to live a life worth living. Let God be your ultimate guide. Reach your potential, and don’t limit yourself. Keep going, and you will receive more of God’s provision along the way. Be a good steward of God’s blessings. Remember, you only have a borrowed life. God owns you, and He can take back your time anytime He wants. So be grateful because He still gives you the chance to see this world. Maximize the resources that He gave you. Learn to appreciate what you have because you will never know what will happen next.

Don’t dwell on the negative things that are happening around you. Remember that life is more than what you experience. There are still blessings that are waiting for you. Just learn to appreciate the season that you are in because God is continuously molding you into a better person. One day you will thank Him for allowing you to experience that moment. You will miss the lessons behind your situation if you keep on focusing on your problems and challenges. Don’t treat them as something that is negative. They may lead you to ask so many questions, but treat the obstacles as opportunities for you to grow and prosper.

Treasure the blessings that God gave because you never know when God will get them back. So instead of focusing on what you don’t have, set your eyes on the good things that happened in your life. Magnify the blessings no matter how simple and small they are in your eyes. List them down and choose to thank God for giving you the grace to receive those gifts. Your grateful heart will open your eyes to the great things that God prepared. When you are thankful for what you have, you are also inviting more blessings to come in your life. It’s like a magnet that will draw you closer to God’s miracles. So stop complaining. Instead, treat what you receive as God’s way of telling you that you are always loved.

A life spent with God is always worth it. The best way to cherish your time here on earth is to use it for His glory. When you learn to serve Him using the talents and gifts that you have, you will realize how blessed you are. It will lead you closer to His heart. When you serve Him without expecting anything in return, you will surely experience a life that is always worth living. It’s not perfect. Many times you will cry and experience heartaches, but those painful moments will turn into joyful dancing when you arrive in heaven.