Treasures in Heaven
Never store treasures
that can be taken away from you
Your money will fade away
Your earthly possession will never last
So instead of gaining worldly wealth
Store up treasures in heaven because it will last forever
You can only gather these treasures
if you have a relationship with God
Seek His kingdom first and please Him
Do good things for others
Even if they can’t even appreciate it
Learn to forgive even if it hurts
And you will experience God’s grace
Help the people around you
And you will feel blessed
Open your heart and allow God to come in
His love will teach you
how to be compassionate to others
Aim for something that will last forever
And that’s Heaven
Remember that your heart will always be
where your treasure is
So try to evaluate yourself
What are the things
that you are so passionate about?
What gives you the motivation
to overcome difficult things in life?
What drives you to do your best?
The answers to these questions
will lead you to your treasures in life
I hope it’s something that will last forever
I hope that it will never be taken away from you
Remember that there are treasures
that appear to be important
But only last for a moment
May your relationship with God
be the greatest treasure you could ever have
This world will fail and disappoint you
But God will always stay by your side
So use what you have here on earth
to glorify His name
Use your money to bless other people
Offer your skills and talents
for those who feel so lost and broken
Worship God through your actions
And you will store up treasures
that will please the name of the Lord