Treasures in Heaven
Store treasures in Heaven
Focus on the things
That you can carry to eternity
Not just by temporary pleasures
The clothes that you wear
Will vanish and just fade
Your riches will never last
Your jewelry will not last
Expensive cars
Cannot save your soul
The money selfishly earned
Will never fill the thirst of the heart
So stop holding on to them
Don’t live as if your life
Depends on wealth and riches
That only belongs in this world
Nourish your soul instead
Spend more time with God
Connect to his Heart
Every single day
Focus on unimaginable things
That He prepared in Heaven
Don’t just set your eyes
On your earthly goals
Instead, put God first
Honor His name and works
Only then you’ll gain treasure
That this world can’t give
Let your faith grow
Submit your life to Him
Use earthly treasures
That you have to bless His name