
Treasures in Weaknesses

There are hidden treasures
in your weaknesses
You may hate the thought
that you can’t do everything
But it simply means
that you need God in your life

Your weaknesses
will display God’s strength
So do not be dismayed
if you feel so down inside
Because that’s when God
will move in your life

Your weaknesses
will reflect His power
It will teach you how
to fully trust in Him
It will push you to stop relying
on your own understanding

God wants you
to depend on Him
So stop looking
at your own ability and skills
Instead, trust that God
will perform miracles in your life

Your weaknesses
will increase your faith
Because when you know
that you can’t do all things
You will learn to put your hope in God
Because He alone
is powerful enough to rescue you

You simply allow Him
to move in your life
So when you feel so weak inside
Always run to the arms of your Father
Let Him comfort you

You can always ask
for His strength
And He will give it to you
Only then will you realize
that you can’t live without Him

You will learn to humbly
receive His grace
And that’s when you will feel fully satisfied
in His presence
We all have weaknesses
And that simply means
We all need God in our lives

So let your weaknesses
glorify the name of God
Surrender everything to Him
And stop blaming yourself
for what you feel inside

It’s okay to feel weak sometimes
Remember that it is God’s opportunity
to show His power
Embrace who you are in the Lord
And never be ashamed
of your weaknesses