Treat your Family as your First Ministry
The people that you love may not be perfect, but God will never put them in your life without a purpose. Remember that He already determines who you will meet along the journey. There may be days when you can’t help but question His choices and will, but trust that God knows what He is doing. He gave you special and unique people that you can serve and love for the rest of your life. So when you can’t find the reasons why you need to stay with them, may this be your constant reminder. God wants you to love every family remember, regardless of the pain and brokenness that you experienced with them. He wants you to serve them with all your heart. He wants you to feel what it truly means to love. It won’t be easy. Many times, you will be pushed to set aside your wants just to take good care of them. Sometimes, it’s going to be so heartbreaking. But all you need to do is stay with God and rely on His love.
Let Him be the source of your strength. You can’t do it on your own. Life is just so tough that you can’t face it just by relying on your own strength. You need the love of God to push you to also love others. You must never depend on what you have to provide and help your family. You may think that you can make it, but you will get tired along the way. The best that you can do is allow God to constantly feed your soul with His word and promises. You need to open your heart so that you will receive His love. Do it every single day, and you will also have the courage to love your family. If you have the right reasons to serve them, you will also gain the strength to stay with them despite of the difficulties you will experience.
Before you go outside your home, try your best to take good care of the very first people that God entrusted to you. Serve your parents and siblings first. Love them just like how God loves you. Forgive those who broke your heart, and let go of the bitterness that you feel. Accept them just like how God accepted you. Focus on what Jesus did in your life, and you will have the motivation to love them with all your heart. You may not always feel like you are home when you are with them, but remember that God is your home, and you can share His light with your loved ones.
Jesus knew what it felt like to be a family member. Remember that God also gave Him siblings and parents. Jesus took good care of them. His earthly father, Joseph, died earlier than Mary. This is the reason why our Savior need to also work and help His mother to feed their family. He is the eldest among His siblings, and He also carries the responsibility to love and serve them. Before He spent the rest of His time with His disciples, Jesus first served Mary and His siblings. They are His first ministry.

One Comment
Hallelujah! I am reminded. Thank you sooo much!